"I'm so sad. You've changed."
"I'm so sad. You've changed." -an ex, some years back. I think one of the worst ways you could insult a person is to tell them that they...
"I'm so sad. You've changed."
The time I accidentally fed soap to some coworkers
The difference between diligence and insanity
Your quest for The Holy Grail.
"I'm just a simple man trying to make my way in the universe."
Give me the vaccine! And who started this fire??
Honest Advertising: Paris Hilton vs. Whammyburger
It's the most wonderful time of the year - to stay away from strangers.
Fantasy Sports (and nursing?) Leagues, COVID College Towns, and Tough Love
"I do voices" and other fun faux pax things to say
The 10-Year Hangover
The difference between good and great in the professional world.
"I'm the kind of guy who laughs at a funeral"
Well here goes nothing.